Capoliveri Tour

5,00 IVA incl.

The Maritime Museum in Capoliveri ,inaugurated in 2014 to enhance the Elba sea, hosts an exhibition regarding the Polluce Shipwreck drowned in 1841 next to Capo Calvo, with all its load of golden and silver coins and precious jewels. This load, whose recovery started around 2000, is today exhibited in the museum, together with the everyday life objects of the crew.
The Calamita Mine, closed around the early ’80s, reminds the visitors about how hard the mine life was, thanks to the perfectly preserved excavating areas and the formers machinery; and how much the mining activity has been modelling the landscape since the Etruscan Age.
The history of the Flamingo Cinema and Theatre, on the other hand, started around the ’50s, when, just after WWII, the first movie theatre was opened. Even if it represented the spirit of country that wanted to open itself to the world, the cinema was not immune to the crisis of the ’70s, and it remained closed from the late ’70s to 2014. In that year, after restoration works, it became the symbolic place for meetings and gatherings, committed to all the “Elba inhabitants in the world”, i.e., to all those people emigrated from the island to try their luck, but who have never forgotten their homeland.


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