Antiquarium Turritano and archeological area

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They are karstic formations that are found in the promontory of Capo Caccia. To access it there are two ways: through a staircase of 665 steps that runs along the wall of the Capo Caccia massif, the so-called Escala del Cabriol, or by sea. The cave is over one kilometer longThe Turritano Antiquarium is located at the center of the archaeological site of Turris Libisonis, the Roman city on which Porto Torres was built and in which there was the only port in the north of Sardinia that had relations with Ostia.
The Roman city was built around the port and near the mouth of the Riu Mannu river, on which a bridge was built in the first century AD, still present today and representing a fantastic work of man. The archaeological site is characterized by the remains of the city districts dating back to the first century BC – IV century AD and from which the exhibits were taken, divided into an area related to decorative art (statues, sculptures, etc.) and in another one dedicated to everyday life.